How to use Keyloggers – Detailed Tutorial
This is a DETAILED tutorial to tell you all possible information about Keylogger & Keylogging .
Note-I highly recommend that you read this post completely since every single piece of information is important
1. What is a Keylogger?
A keylogger is also called a spysoftware is a small program that records each and every keystroke a user types on a specific computer’s keyboard. A keylogger program canb e installed or attached in computer just in a few seconds and once installed you are only a step away from getting the victim’s password.
2. How Keylogger works?
Once the keylogger is installed on a PC, it starts operating in the background (stealth mode) and captures every keystroke of the victim on that PC. Let’s take up a small example: The victim goes to and types his “username” and the “password” in the respective fields to login. The keylogger silently records these keystrokes and stores them in the logs. These logs when opened up shows the captured “username” and “password” and will also tell you that they were typed in the gmail login page. Thus the keylogger loads upon every startup, runs in the background and captures each and every keystroke. Some keyloggers also give a screen-shot of Your computer background.
3-Types of Keyloggers.
1-Hardware Keylogger - A plug-in device or a hardware circuit can be used as keylogger tools. Either of the two can log to their internal memories all of a user’s keyboard activities.
2-Software Keylogger- The software keylogger needs to be installed on the Victims computer to work
4-Once I install the keylogger can the victim come to know about it’s presence?
No. The victim will never come to know about the presence of the keylogger on his/her computer. This is because, once installed the keylogger will run in total stealth mode. Unlike other programs it will never show up in start-menu, start-up, program files, add/remove programs and task manager. So the victim can no way identify it’s presence on his/her PC.But if the Victim is Wise he may run a system scan or he may also see the process then he rocks and you are fool
5- Can I be traced back if I install the keylogger on some other computer?
No, For a Man with no knowledge about computer and keylogger or even a man who know;s this cannot trace you back. But in my case I can trace keyloggers
6-Which keylogger is the best?
Number of keyloggers are available but the best I used till now for me is Ardamax Keylogger.
***9668;***9668;~~ARDAMAX TUTORIAL~~***9658;
I am using my virtual Os for Making this tutorial.
Name: ONY wuz here!
Download The Ardamax Keylogger 2.85
2-.Now right-hand click it and click ‘Enter registration key….
3-Enter the Name and password in the box fields
4.Once done click ‘Ok’ and you should get a pop-up saying ‘Registration code is accepted. Thank you for registration!
II. Creating the Keylogger Remote file:
1. Now your going to make the Keylogger Remote file (The thing you give to your victim). Click ‘Remote Installation…’,
click ‘Next’
2.Now,you should see this.
3.If you want to bind Keylogger Remote file with another application or file click the box that says ‘Append keylogger Remote file to file or another application’ and browse file or application that you want to bind it with.. I would prefer to skip this and bind the keylogger after creating the remote file.
4. Now click ‘Additional components’ and tick ‘Installation Package Bilder’ like done in the screenshot.
5.Now you should be at ‘Invisibility’, make sure all the boxes are ticked, then click ‘Next’.
6. Now you should be at ‘Security’, click ‘Enable’ and put your password (it can be any password you like, make it something easy so you can remember). Once done, make sure all the boxes are ticked and click ‘Next’.. Or else SkIp this also
7-untik the update optiong
8. Ok, you should now be at ‘Options’, use setting like done in screenshots.You can also select it destruction date
9. Ok, now you should be at ‘Control’, click the box that says ‘Send logs every’, now make it so it sends logs every 20 minutes, then where it says ‘Delivery’, un-tick ‘Email’ and tick ‘FTP’, then where it says ‘Include’ un-tick ‘Screenshots’, now un-tick the box where it says ‘Send only if log size exceeds’, once thats done, it should all look like it does in this screenshot:
10. Now you should be at ‘FTP’, create a free account at…om=storage, then make sure your at ‘Online Storage’, then make a new folder called: Logs (this is where the logs are sent to when you keylogg someone), Now on your FTP on Ardamax Keylogger, where it says ‘FTP Host:’, put this:
Now where it says ‘Remote Folder:’, put this: Logs
Now where it says ‘Userame:’ and ‘Password:’, put your DriveHQ username and password, then it should look something like this:
Now Click ‘Test’ and it should pop up like this
If not then see if the password and username is right.
Once done, do NOT change your DriveHQ password or rename/delete the folder called ‘Logs’, if you do, the logs will not come through.
11. You should now be at ‘Control’, un-tick ‘Enable Screenshots Capturing’ then click ‘Next’.
12. Now you can change name and icon your Keylogger Engine as you want it to look like.
ust click ‘Finish’.
13.After you click ‘Finish’ you should see this:
Now Your Remote File Is Created
Happy hacking....
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